
Support the videos

My Patreon supporters play a crucial role in fueling my ability to produce high-quality video content more frequently. I deeply value their contributions and friendship, which serve as recognition for the time and effort I invest in filming and editing. As one of my primary sources of income, their support directly goes towards acquiring materials, tools, and animal feed, ensuring every coin is put to good use.

Creating and managing content demands a significant portion of my daily routine, making their support invaluable. In return, patrons gain access to our private Telegram group and enjoy early access to ad-free videos, including exclusive content not available elsewhere.

For those unable to support financially, your engagement through views, comments, and likes is greatly appreciated.

Your continued support fuels my passion for creating content.

Thank you

Simple-Earth Guild

The primary driving force behind my work. Patreon supporters bolster the videos and realise that it takes a lot of time and work to create them during a busy work day.

Thank you very much.

  • Agnes PouyaudStalwart!
  • Kevin Loubser (The 2nd’est Patreon ever)
  • Rafał Jaskólski (Poland’s finest)
  • Jean-Philippe Pouyaud (the good Frenchman)
  • James Westgate (the first Dusty Goat!)
  • Tiaan van Wyk (from Litengard’s era)
  • Markath Goateries (goats!)
  • Jacques (the closest!)
  • Edgar (a quiet man)
  • Michiel (down under!)

Guild members are friends

I have several tiers, with varying benefits, on the Patreon page. Any level of support rocks! If you’d like to support the videos and share in the journey, then join us and let’s nurture the confidence and motivation to aim for self-sufficiency.

If you can not help here, then view, comment and like the videos.

~ Marlon

Funding has an effect

I don’t like advertisements, and when my funding reaches the ad-free goal, I will definitely demonetize most of the content.  I also help with funding other wildlife campaigns, improve my video frequency and quality and be able to get help on the land to start projects that would really show larger-scale concepts of simplicity. I also take input from my Patreon members to improve and change the videos. Later on, I will use the funding to replace my GoPro8 (which overheats at anything over 1080 res) and improve the audio quality with a great mic. I use the income generated from my Patreon friends to do things otherwise difficult, like obtaining building permits to launch important projects that I want to bring to you as part of a self-sufficiency journey. Thanks for considering joining up.