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It elates us to state that we are on our way back to the Karoo, the succulent Karoo. It’s a place of beauty, serenity and natural beauty, but it comes with the hardships of severe heat, cold, winds and droughts. Moving to the drylands will not be trivial, but with the guidance of good friends in Permaculture, the sheer will to succeed and the knowledge we accumulated during our time on the current farm, we will succeed.

Simplicity is number one, so this move will be even more of a downshift, economically and in terms of mental and physical health. It will take copious amounts of hard work to grow food, manage the scarce water supplies, and keep the system moving. The future of videos and posts on will focus on our dry-land journey. To follow this journey, watch out for news posts here, or better, follow the story on the Parched Pioneers page.

Subscribe to our channel to see more about moving to the drylands (Called Parched Pioneers) in the future. At the time of writing this post, we intended on moving to an existing farm and building up from there. However, it seems as of now that this edit (April 2021) will see us purchasing a new farm, remotely isolated. Here we will pioneer from scratch. As this is a tough, mentally exhausting and physically draining endeavour, please consider helping us out.

Marlon van der Linde

Marlon van der Linde

Born in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa in 1982, Marlon has cultivated a rich background in electronics and computer science. After nearly two decades of experience as a UNIX administrator and software engineer, he continues to engage with electronics and coding, skills that enhance his self-sufficient and self-reliant lifestyle. Beyond his technical dabbling, Marlon is an avid content creator, authoring insightful articles and producing engaging videos that resonate with a broad audience. His passion for permaculture is evident in his meticulous observations and research, aimed at enhancing the sustainability of his environment. Marlon is dedicated to innovating techniques that improve the ecosystem and increase the production of food and feed, making his homestead a beacon of practical, sustainable living.

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